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Welcome to Rocky Hill Soccer Club

Welcome to Rocky Hill Soccer Club

Our mission is to foster a positive, inclusive, and enjoyable soccer experience for all participants. To achieve this, we have established a Code of Conduct to guide the behavior and actions of coaches, parents, and players. Our Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and responsibilities of everyone involved in our soccer community, ensuring a respectful and supportive environment that promotes sportsmanship, development, and fun.


  • Players understand that their commitment during the fall/spring soccer season is to my team and coaches aside from family and educational responsibilities;
  • Players will proudly represent the Rocky Hill Soccer Club and conduct myself with honor and dignity, never using abusive or foul language. Players will treat their team members, the Coaches, my Parent(s)/Guardian(s), their opponents and the referees as they expect them to treat them, with respect, dignity and tolerance.
  • Player will be on time and prepared to participate in practices and games;
  • If Players will be late or unavailable for practice or game, he/she will notify the Coach as far in advance as possible. Player understand that asking another player to tell the coach is not acceptable;
  • Players will bring a positive attitude to each practice or game regardless of whether the team is winning or losing;
  • Players will bring my best effort to each practice or game and will expect the same from my teammates;
  • Players will work to improve my skills and conditioning on my own throughout the year;
  • Players will communicate with my coaches. If they have any concerns or problems with the team or the Coaches, they will talk to the Coach to have it addressed. If they do not feel that they can bring the issue to the Coach, they will discuss the issue with my Parent or Guardian and together we will bring the issue to the Coach;
  • Players will cooperate with my Coaches and help my teammates. Players will strive to be the best teammate they can be, always putting the team ahead of themself as an individual;
  • Players will be a good sport, being gracious when their team wins and graceful when their team loses.


  • My son/daughter has made a commitment to the Coaches and Players on this team and they support that commitment.
  • Parent will proudly represent the Rocky Hill Soccer Club and conduct myself with honor and dignity, never using abusive or foul language. Parent will treat the team members, the Coaches, the other Parents/Guardians, the opponents, and the Referees as we expect them to treat everyone, with dignity, respect, and tolerance.
  • Parent will do their best to ensure my son/daughter will be on time and prepared to fully participate in practices and games.
  • If my son/daughter will be late or unavailable for a practice or game the Coach will be notified as far in advance as possible.
  • Parent will encourage my son/daughter to communicate with their Coaches and to discuss any issues or concerns directly with them. If my son/daughter is not comfortable doing this, Parent will take the issues or concerns to the Coaches with them.
  • Parent will respect the rules established by the Coach even if they do not agree with them. Parent will remember that the Coaches are not professional coaches but they are fathers, mothers, and others who are volunteering their time to work with my son/daughter.
  • Parent will not confront a Coach at a practice or game but will contact the Coach to request some time to discuss the matter at a later time.
  • Parent will bring a positive attitude to each game regardless of whether the team is winning or losing. Parent will be positive and quiet.
  • Parent will support the Coaches and refrain from instructing the players from the sidelines during practices or games, understanding the confusion that such actions might cause.
  • Parent will encourage my son/daughter to practice on their own to improve their skills.
  • Parent will actively support and enforce the anti-bullying policies, promoting a safe and supportive environment for all players.


  • Coach has made a commitment to this team and the Rocky Hill Soccer Club and will learn and abide by the rules and operating principles of the RHSC. Coach will attend all coaches meetings.
  • Coach will continue to learn more about the game of soccer and coaching the game and complete (at a minimum) my “E” coaching license requirements within one year of starting to coach.
  • Coach will proudly represent the Rocky Hill Soccer Club and conduct himself with honor and dignity, never using abusive or foul language. Coach will treat the team members, the other Coaches, the Parents/Guardians, the opponents, and the Referees as we expect them to treat me, with dignity, respect, and tolerance.
  • Coach will use written practice plans in order to conduct structured practices with the team.
  • If the coach is not available for a practice or a game, he/she will notify the team and make arrangements to have an Assistant Coach or other RHSC Coach available for the game or practice.
  • Coach will address any player issues or concerns directly with the player, unless in my judgment as the Coach, they believe the issue should be brought to the Parent or Guardian.
  • Coach will strive to improve each player’s abilities and increase their passion for the game and base their teaching on the four components of coaching soccer: technique, tactics, physical, and psychological. Coach will also  teach my players the rules of the game.
  • Coach will hold a parents meeting every season.
  • Coach will do their best to be fair but firm, applying the same rules to each Player or Parent/Guardian.
  • Coach will demonstrate and encourage good sportsmanship, being gracious when our team wins and graceful when our team loses.
  • Coach will allow players to make decisions on their own as much as possible during games.
  • Coach will actively prevent and address any instances of bullying, creating a safe and supportive environment for all players.


Rocky Hill Soccer Club
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067

Email: [email protected]

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